Get feedback from your customers using our Email Smileys

TUF leaving feedback

Instant customer feedback​

Instant insights for your business

Scalable to meet your needs

Suitable for single site to multi-location businesses.

Cost-effective solution

Feature packed with reduced running costs

Intuitive reporting

User-friendly reports packed with insights

Email Smileys Customer Feedback

Do you liaise with your Customers via email reguarly?

Whether you have a support centre, or a sales centre, getting customer feedback via email can be a powerful tool to understand your customers experience.

Our Email Smileys allow your customers to leave feedback on the email they received without having to click external links to surveys.

TellUsFirst allows you to embed a HTML code into your email templates through your CRM and start gathering instant feedback from your customers.



How your Customers access the Feedback Platform

Your Customers can access the survey through simply clicking a face in your email like below:

Email Smileys

How Our Email Smileys Work

Step 1

A customer receives an email from you, and is asked to leave feedback on their experience.

Step 2
TUF Leaving feedback

When ready, the customer simply clicks on the smiley which best describes their experience.

Step 3
TUF leaving feedback

The customer is then asked to leave a verbatim comment if they wish - Simple. That is the end of the survey.

Step 4

The beauty of TellUsFirst™ is that it can be customised to each Business’ needs. Where necessary, if a negative reaction is selected, a member of management can be notified instantly thus, allowing them to contact the customer to step in and possibly rectify any issues or negative critique.

Want to increase your repeat business and customer loyalty?

Get in touch with our team today to see how TellUsFirst can help.